Back to the future

Hey guys,

I am watching the film “back to the future 1”, “2” and “3” this weekend.

You know what, we are in 2015! To celebrate it, I am watching this film.

I was little bit disappointed by the fact that the real 2015 is not as awesome as the 2015 in the film.

We don’t have such an amazing self-lacing shoes here, though I figured out that Nike is actually trying to make one (Nike back to the future shoes).

By the way my favorite script is from “back to the future 3”:

Doc from 1955 “Unbelievable that this little piece of junk could be such a big problem. ”

“No wonder this circuit failed. It says “Made in Japan”.”

Marty from 1985 “What do you mean, Doc? All the best stuff is made in Japan.”

Doc from 1955 “Unbelievable ”

I so loved this part!

We may replace Japan, 1955 and 1985 with China, 2015 and 2045 probably, if this film will be remade in 2045.



Japan racism ‘deep and profound’
By Chris Hogg
BBC News, Tokyo

Only about 1% of Japan’s population is registered as foreign
An independent investigator for the UN says racism in Japan is deep and profound, and the government does not recognise the depth of the problem.

Doudou Diene, a UN special rapporteur on racism and xenophobia, was speaking at the end of a nine-day tour of the country.

He said Japan should introduce new legislation to combat discrimination.

Mr Diene travelled to several Japanese cities during his visit, meeting minority groups and touring slums.

He said that although the government helped to organise his visit, he felt many officials failed to recognise the seriousness of the racism and discrimination minorities suffered.

He was also concerned that politicians used racist or nationalist themes, as he put it, to whip up popular emotions. He singled out the treatment of ethnic Koreans and Chinese and indigenous tribes.

Mr Diene says he plans to recommend that Japan enact a law against discrimination, which he said should be drawn up in consultation with minority groups.

He said he would now wait for the Japanese government to respond to his comments before submitting a report to the United Nations.


whip upは駆り立てる。

indigenous tribesは原住民。



彼女のコラムと内心同じ気持ちの日本人は多いと思う。日本の外国人差別は、この記事にあるようにdeep and profound(深い)。






I got one of my wisdom teeth out.



The lower tooth in the back really hurts.



My tooth hurts.

I have an aching tooth.



How long does a dental local anaesthetic last?


I went in to the dentist today and he injected me with anaesthetic in the bottom of my mouth.

デンマーク襲撃事件についてle mondeの記事を読んでみる

le mondeの記事より抜粋

Le suspect était aussi déjà connu des services de renseignement. Les enquêteurs ignorent s’il est allé en Syrie ou en Irak, mais selon Jens Madsen, des services de renseignement (PET), « il peut avoir été inspiré par la propagande militante islamiste diffusée par l’Etat islamique ou d’autres organisations terroristes ». Le Danemark est, eu égard à sa population, un des pays les plus concernés par des départs pour le djihad en Syrie.

services de renseignementウィキペディアによると日本語訳は 情報機関。

eu égard à は英語にするとconsidering フランス語の他の表現での言い換えは vu

Mathematica で ”Tag Times in 0.\ Null is Protected” がでる。

Mathematica で ”Tag Times in 0.\ Null is Protected” がでる エラー。


If you receive the error: “Tag Times in 0.\ Null is Protected” in Mathematica,
you may forget semicolon (;) just before the part which has a problem.